The Bridge of Dream is funded by Bailey Yang and assisted by Ms. Yinyqin Tian, who are helping the impoverished kids in an isolated area of China.

Ze Bo received 2000 Yuan from
the bridge of dream fund
Ze Bo received 2000 Yuan from
the bridge of dream fund
I was able to send 2000 Yuan ($300) to Ze Bo
to support his studies in college.

Ze Bo is accepted to Hu Bei University of Technology in 2019
Ze Bo is accepted to Hu Bei University of Technology in 2019
With the Bridge of Dream's help, Ze Bo was able to graduate from high school and
was accepted to one of the best colleges in China. He joyfully sent me his
picture and his admission acceptance certificate from the university.

Bo Ze and his family
Bo Ze and his family
We are chatting through WeChat for New Year wishes! Bo Ze sent me his family picture.
His mother, a younger sister and bother.

Bo Ze's letter to Bailey on January 15, 2020
Bo Ze's letter to Bailey on January 15, 2020
Dear Bailey,
How are you?
I am sorry that I did not reply to you sooner. I just finished school today so I am very busy I am also not feeling well.
Thank you very much for your New Year's wish, and I hope you and your family have a wonderful Chinese New Year!
I like my college life. In the beginning, I could not get used to it, but after one semester, I loved it! I still have lots of homework, but at the same time, I have more leisure time than I had in high school. I can join different activities in my college, for example, the student association is good to improve my social skills. Also, since there is a runway, everyone is supposed to run at least forty times on it, and each time is equal to 2 kilometers. The week for the final exams is usually the most stressful because no one wants to fail.
You are almost graduated from high school, and I believe you could get to an ideal college. Keep up your good work and trust yourself, you will be successful one day!
Thank you so much for sponsoring me for so many years, I am very grateful. I will never let you down, I have been studying hard, so that one day I can help other impoverished students in Guizhou as well.
Lastly, it has been two years since we saw each other the last time, so please let me know when you come back to China so that we could arrange a time to see each other again.
Again, I wish you and your family are happy, healthy and successful in the new year!
Bo Ze
January 15, 2020

I donated over $100 (1000 Yuan) to Bo Ze's family for a Happy New Year!
I donated over $100 (1000 Yuan) to Bo Ze's family for a Happy New Year!
From my website, I was able to donate $100 to Bo Ze (left) for the Chinese New Year 2020. Loving liaison Mr. Guojian (right) helped me with the delivery.

My letter to Bo Ze on January 11, 2020
My letter to Bo Ze on January 11, 2020
Dear Bo Ze, how are you?
It's almost Chinese New Year, and I hope you and your family are well!
How is college going? Do you have lots of homework? I really believe that you can be an outstanding student in your classes. At the same time, don't forget to do physical exercise to strengthen yourself.
Time ran fast, as the last time we saw each other was two years ago. I hope that this summer I can go back to China for a visit and come see you again.
There is one more semester left for me in my high school education. I am applying for colleges and hope to get to a school where I can learn the most and follow my passion with. Although we are far away from each other, we continue to encourage each other since we have a lot of in common. Most importantly, we both want to help impoverished students in China, and I hope this goal will be accomplished.
I am glad I was able to donate $100 to your family for the New Year at this time, and I will continue sponsoring you financially through my website. Also, if you have any difficulties, please let me know and we will help you.
Again, I wish you and your family a happy, healthy, and the best new year!
January 11, 2020
Ze Bo -- 10th grade
Ze Bo was born in Dushan village, Guizhou, in 2000. He has a 9 year old brother , and a 7 year old sister .
His father died in a car accident when he was in 4th grade; his grandpa and grandma died as well.
His mother is the only one working, but she has health issues herself.
His phone number: 18285496310
His teacher's phone number: 15597786919

I wrote a letter to congratulate Ze Bo that I have translated below:
June 26, 2019
Dear Ze Bo,
Congratulations on your high score in the college entrance exam!
That is awesome. I hope you can get in the college of your dreams. I'm waiting for your good news!
This summer, I am preparing for the SAT subject tests: Biology and Math, which will take place on August 24. I h ope I will do a good job then.
I will continue to post your information on my website, www.thebridgeofdream.com to get more donations to support your college study. I will send you checks from time to time. I hope more loving people will offer to help. In addition, I play at weddings on some weekends, earning pretty good money. I will send some money from my wedding performance payments as well. In the summer, I practice three hours daily on the violin. I love playing the violin.
You have a great mother who is raising you and your sister and brother. I understand how hard it is for her to support the whole family by herself. I am sorry to hear the story of your father's accident. I hope you are all strong and healthy. Be happy!
Best of luck!
Bailey Qiao Yang

Translation of Ze Bo's reply to me on April 6, 2019
Dear Mr. Yang,
How are you?
I am glad to receive your letter. Firstly, thank you for always supporting me. I admire how you help people as an adolescent; currently, because of my family incident, I would not have been able to study without your help.
In this semester, after two months of hard work, I have had a good result for the pre-college entrance exam. However, I cannot be too proud, as the real test has yet to come. The real college exam will be in sixty days. From now on, I will study even more diligently, hoping to get a score that would meet my satisfaction.
You are almost a senior, and I know you are a good student, and I wish you the best to get in a college that you favor. Success is always for the hard-working people! I believe that we will both be successful as long as we keep studying hard. Even though we live in different countries, we can still encourage each other to maintain our reputation as good students. Currently, my school does not allow students to bring cell phones to school, and we only get Sunday afternoon off each week, so I could not reply to you sooner; I am sorry.
Lastly, thank you again for always helping me. Best wishes for your good health, excellent studying, and eventually a great college entrance. Let us cheer for each other!
Ze Bo
April 6, 2019

My letter to Ze Bo
to encourage him to be successful in his college entrance exam

My letter to Ze Bo (page 2)
on April 3, 2019
Translation of the letter that I wrote to Ze Bo
Translation of the letter that I wrote to Ze Bo
Dear Ze Bo,
I hope you are doing great!
Thank you for the two letters that you sent me. I am very happy to know that you want to help impoverished students in the future as well. We have the same goal; I hope we both will make wonderful contributions to humanity in different countries.
You are studying diligently for your college entrance exam in May. I hope you can successfully get into a college of your dream! Hang in there.
Next year will be my senior year; I am taking SAT exams and SAT subject tests. Hope I could get good test scores and get into an ideal college. I am taking five AP courses this year and trying to earn all As; I love studying.
Please let me know once you receive the admission to a college, because I want to continue to support you. I put your information on my website at: www.thebridgeofdream.com. I hope there will be more people willing to help and donate funds for you.
I perform on the violin for weddings when I have time, for which I get good pay. I plan to find a job this summer like other high schoolers, because I can be sociable while making money.
In short, let us encourage each other, and work hard to realize our future dreams.
Best wishes!
Bailey Qiao Yang
April 3, 2019

Thank-you letter from Ze Bo from 2018
Thank-you letter from Ze Bo from 2018
Translation of the letter from Bo Ze 2018
Translation of the letter from Bo Ze 2018
Dear Bailey Yang,
How are you doing?
I thank you so much for sending me the check to support my senior year of high school.
I remembered that last December, you, your mother, and your uncle came all the way from the US to my hometown to visit me. You brought me pens, notebooks, and a pencil box for which I was very grateful and felt encouraged. We talked about our lives and high school studies together at Mr. & Mrs. Huang's house; I loved that warmth from everyone.
Time goes fast, as the college entrance exam that takes place in my hometown are only one hundred days away. I am studying very diligently to prepare for this big exam. Hopefully, I could enter an ideal college, so that I could get a good job in the future and have the ability to help the impoverished students someday, like what you are doing now. That is my dream.
I cannot say thank you enough for helping me. I hope you get in your ideal college in 2020. I know you are an excellent student at the school; and your dream in the future is to help more impoverished students, as well as the pediatric cancer children world-wide . You are an excellent person that I admire very much and want to learn from.
Best wishes!
Be joyful and healthy!
Ze Bo
December 12, 2018
Xingnong High School, Dushan county, Guizhou province

Thank-you letter from Ze Bo in 2017
Thank-you letter from Ze Bo in 2017
( Translation of the thank-you letterfrom Ze Bo)
Thank You Letter
Dear Bailey Yang , how are you?
My name is Ze Bo; from Xing Nong High School. I am currently in the 10th grade and am supported by your the Bridge of Dream fund. I am very grateful that you have created this web fund to help many poor students in China.
My family has difficulty in life, because my father passed away many years ago, while my mother has to work to raise me, my brother, and my sister. At that point, I almost had to quit school to help my family survive.
However, I found you online, and your financial and emotional support have made my high school studies possible. Now, I am able to continue my academic journey!
One year from now, I will take the entrance exam for college. I am studying very hard now and want to get into an ideal college, so that I can thank the people who have helped me achieve my dream.
I hope one day I will be like you, Bailey, to be able to help the poor children for reaching their dreams as well.
Finally, I sincerely thank you for your loving help. Wishing you good studies and to stay healthy.
Yours, Ze Bo

I am a high school student. I love studying and got a lot of prizes for being a good student.
I truly hope to be able to continue to finish my high school years without stopping, since my family has big financial issues.
I am a high school student. I love studying and got a lot of prizes for being a good student.
I truly hope to be able to continue to finish my high school years without stopping, since my family has big financial issues.
Ze Bo
Ze Bo

My mother and I visiting Ze Bo and friends
My mother and I visiting Ze Bo and friends
I visited Ze Bo's school with my mother, loving helper Mr. Guojian Liang, and other loving donors.

I visited Ze Bo at Mr. Huang's home on Christmas Day, 2017. I delivered a pen case, pens and a notebook to Ze Bo, to encourage him study well.
Ze Bo's school is the best in Dushan County; only good students are selected to go to this school. The students live in the school dorms. Every year, some students get admission into the best colleges in China.

Ze Bo's family needs your help
Ze Bo's family needs your help
Ze Bo needs tuition ($300)
plus living and expenses ($500) for each semester.